The rain is finally here!! The past few days has been a consistent steady rainfall. According to my local rain gage, its rained 1.5 inches and there is much more to come! There will be a lull mid week but around Thursday another storm is due to hit the North Coast.
The weather has had no effect on the fish coming into the river systems. This year the numbers and size are baffling in all the rivers I have fished. The fish are coming in all colors and sizes! The past week has and will have a everlasting effect in my memory for one of the most legendary fishing years I’ve experienced. I can’t tell you the last time the grade of fish has been so large. I feel without some of the fishing gear that Mad River Manufacturing has to offer, we would have not put together the past several epic days of fishing! Thanks MRMF staff.
Fishing hard the past week on the local rivers has been very productive! WE have had a great average in size and numbers. My biggest fish was in the mid to high teens! Getting geared up for the next fishing trip on Monday has never seemed to be so far away! My curiosity is eating away at me… I can’t wait!
For all the Steelhead junkies out there… It is game on!
P.S. Don’t forget That ”Bent Rods And Big Smiles Is Our Quest”.