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Salmon still coming

Fishing on the klamath and Trinity Rivers the past month has been excellent! The average size of Salmon are larger than normal.There is an abundance of half pounders, adult Steelhead and King Salmon. The sport fishing quota on the lower Klamath River has been met so, we can only keep two Jack Salmon and two hatchery Steelhead. The quota on the Trinity River is still open for bag limits.
It has been especially exciting year for me as a guide when usually side drifting is the best technique to use. This year everything is productive! Back bouncing, spinners, plugging, as well as float fishing are producing the same numbers of fish.
Fishing has slowed down in the lower Klamath! I will be focused on the upper klamath around the Horn brook area and the Trinity River from the confluence to the Big Bar area.
If you have any questions about where to go or whats going on feel free to send a message or give me a call at (707)601-6652.DSC-0638

MicahSalmon still coming