River Reports

Get Ready for Winter Steelhead 2022!

We are getting ready for our new winter steelhead season from late December 2022, to the end of March 2023.

Focussing on the north coast rivers in northern California and the southern coastal rivers in Oregon, we will be chasing these world class fish at any and every possible opportunity.

Not much has changed for this up coming season when it comes to “Bent Rods And Big Smiles”. We do have a new arrow in the quiver we would like to share with you all!! Lost Coast Sport Fishing has acquired the wild and scenic CHETCO RIVER PERMIT. Offering the whole river from the South fork to Social Security river bar, will create a world class experience.

We hope to see you all on the river and don’t forget to….

“Keep It Reel”

MicahGet Ready for Winter Steelhead 2022!
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last few days of the 2022 steelhead season

Unfortunately the 2022 winter steelhead  season seams to be coming to an end!  I wish it wasn’t so but with no rain in site, river mouths sanding in like its August or September and too much seal pressure at these shallow river mouths, it looks like its the end. Fishing the past two weeks has been hit or miss depending on the river. One day we will hook 3-5 adults and the next scratching for a bite.

At this point in time we will still be taking reservations for any steelhead opportunities left in the season, but we are turning  our sites and reservations to the ocean season that opens in May. We are taking reservations for the 2022 salmon, rockfish, lingcod, pacific halibut, California halibut and albacore tuna season. Feel free to call or send  a message for more details.

bigkahunalast few days of the 2022 steelhead season
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Its been an interesting  season so far! Early rains in October brought all the right conditions for early salmon and steelhead. Unfortunately, the rain has disappeared! That being said, if you know when to make the right moves and have that invaluable experience, you can still make some epic days happen for your clients!

We, I mean my self and some core group of guide associates have been grinding hard and making these tough days into great days. It hasn’t been easy but what’s winter steelhead fishing without a challenge?? It gets really tough when most rivers are low and clear and or closed due to low flow closures. When these conditions occur it doesn’t give many options for all types off boaters. This will create some issues when it comes to RIVER FISHING/ETIQUETTE!! It seams these days etiquette isn’t  practiced as it once was. We are all here to do the same thing!! If we work together a little more we all would be more successful and have a much greater boating/fishing experience.

I’m a little late with my fishing report, I apologize! The past week and some I have been fishing the Eel, Klamath and Trinity rivers. It has been shockingly consistent for two to five adults mixed with plenty  of half pounders and magnums. Yesterday was my first zero on the Trinity river for adult Steelhead! We had our shots but none could stay on. All of us did stay entertained throughout the day with crazy warm weather and plenty of smaller fish. It appears that the wind will calm down for the next week, which is great!! This will put me back on the Eel river. Stay tuned and,


Keep It Reel…

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eel river steelhead fishing

What to say about the Eel river…

Well, this river this year is a whole different  ball game than last year! Last year had fewer fish but the fish we caught were in the mid teens. This year we seem to be back to the old Eel river it once was.  An average of 8 to 12lbs fish going up to the low teen’s. Cold mornings and the usual 15-20 mph winds are making things interesting on the old Eel river! When we hook one its the same routine, screaming runs, toppled with 900’s out of the water, then running to any snag to break you off.  I must say, there is something to be said  about catching winter run steelhead in the old growth redwoods!!

The river herself is holding a great color and slowly dropping. We can thank the cold weather three weeks ago that brought a pile of snow in the surrounding mountains. This big water can make you scratch your head when it comes to making a decision on were to cast your lines. I feel the right move in these situations is TAKE YUOR TIME!! This being said, ” Keep it reel” and grind it out.

Having no rain in the near forecast is  scary to any steelhead fisherman! I think the weather these days is soooooo  unpredictable, expect anything! I will be sticking to my guns and working as hard as I can to make it happen for my clients, friends and courteous boaters. I will be fishing where ever the fish bring me, so stay in tuned and always “Keep it reel”!


bigkahunaeel river steelhead fishing
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Chetco River fishing

Well, the last few weeks on the Chetco river has been one for the books!! We have caught Steelhead in all conditions from brown water to clear water. I have to tip my hat to the brood stock program up here in Oregon. They have an amazing program!! Being apart of the program and able to chose the genetics has been an amazing experience. The weather has been sunny and warm, what more can a steelhead fisherman ask for??

Most fish have been coming on the bead. The boat pressure has been busy during the green water days. Most of the boaters were happy to be on the river chasing steelhead which is nice! There is always a few knuckle heads out on the river trying to go against the grain, which is unfortunate. Its always nice when everyone has bent rods and big smiles!!

lets pray to the weather gods to keep bring us rain in southern Oregon and northern California. We all know we need it! I don’t know where I will be in the next week but stay tuned for the next fishing report.

Keep It Reel…





bigkahunaChetco River fishing
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